REGULAR- Wednesday and Thursday's HW was changed. You are doing EP5! It's the two sections you did (1-7) already. Now you are finishing they till 18! So you are doing (8-18) in the two sections!!!
INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE IS NOT 100% CORRECT. Things happen and thus pushing back or fast forwarding the lessons. Please use this as a guide only. Your child's agenda is the KEY to this class. This is only to aid them. I only update this on MONDAY. So, if things change, this site can be wrong.
Advanced- WednesdayIS YOUR TEST! Periods 2,4
1. GO ONLINE FOR CHAPTER 2 practice test by clicking on BEEP
2. Go to the student Portal.
3. Sign in using your student number and birthday.
4. Click on the ONLINE TEXTBOOK option
5. Go to Math 6-8
6. Click on the Grade 6 Math Textbook
7. Click on the left the Chapter that says Chapter 2 Multiply and Divide decimals.
8. Hit Chapter Playlist (located in middle of the screen.)
1. GO ONLINE FOR CHAPTER 2 practice test by clicking on BEEP
2. Go to the student Portal.
3. Sign in using your student number and birthday.
4. Click on the ONLINE TEXTBOOK option
5. Go to Math 6-8
6. Click on the Grade 6 Math Textbook
7. Click on the left the Chapter that says Chapter 2 Multiply and Divide decimals.
8. Hit Chapter Playlist (located in middle of the screen.)
9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Practice test. Take it!!!
10. Have parent sign what your grade was on the test and that you did it.
Or do page 138 (1-18)