Monday, October 29, 2012

Alexa Lauren Himmel arrived. . .

It's a Girl!!!

Alexa Lauren Himmel arrived on 1/28/2012
Mom and daughter are doing great.
Pictures to come. . . .

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blog will continue when I return. ..

I will miss all of my classes.  I am on bed rest, per doctors' orders.  When I have the baby, I will post pictures.

Please make sure you behave for the substitute.

Mrs. Himmel

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week of 10/15/2012

Remember to bring in items for the harvest drive!!!!
Also, bring in $1.00 and donate to the Harvest Drive on Thursday for dress down day on Friday.
If you forget, you can bring in $2.00 on Friday to dress down.
Help local families by supplying food and common household items!

Important days this week
Regular Class- Quiz on Tuesday on multiplying fractions

Advanced Class- Chapter 2 Test on Multiplying and dividing fractions.  Study your notes on how to estimate multiplying fractions!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of 10/8/2012

Regular:  Quiz on 10/15 on Multiplying Fractions (estimating multiplication too!)
Advanced:  Quiz on 10/9/2012 on Multiplying Fractions
Chapter 2 Test on 10/17/2012


Monday, October 1, 2012

Week of October 1, 2012

IMPORTANT- Everyone must bring in their signed interim reports to their last hour teacher!!!

Also, math is surfing on Wednesday- so bring in a book!!!