Monday, March 31, 2014


FCAT focus is due on APRIL 20th!!!!

Geometry Packet is due on April 14th, 2014!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Geometry packet


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week of March 10, 2014

           HW- change for Thursday for Regulars
 Do fcat workbook pages A22-A25

FCAT FOCUS!!! DUE Monday, 4/14

This is a great site that I found to review concepts before FCAT!

FCAT FOCUS is now assigned to all students.  You must complete at least 24 assignments.  You must get a 60% or higher.

If you get a 60% or higher (on most sections, YOU CAN MISS 6 sections), I will give you 100% on a quiz.  Grades will be entered the week of
 April 14, 2014!

How do I get on?

To Access FCAT explorer and FCAT Focus sites, follow these directions.
Website for FCAT Explorer:
Website for FCAT Focus:

Sign in name=        Student's last name+ first initial
                           Example:  ( John Smith's Sign in name is SMITHJ)
06  + 4 letters of last name + two digits for the month of birth + 2 digits for the date of birth
Example: ( John Smith was born on February 16th, so his password is 06SMIT0216)
If you encounter any problems, please email me.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3/3/2014 updated!

Monday, March 3, 2014