Tuesday, March 11, 2014

FCAT FOCUS!!! DUE Monday, 4/14

This is a great site that I found to review concepts before FCAT!


FCAT FOCUS is now assigned to all students.  You must complete at least 24 assignments.  You must get a 60% or higher.

If you get a 60% or higher (on most sections, YOU CAN MISS 6 sections), I will give you 100% on a quiz.  Grades will be entered the week of
 April 14, 2014!

How do I get on?

To Access FCAT explorer and FCAT Focus sites, follow these directions.
Website for FCAT Explorer:     www.fcatexplorer.com
Website for FCAT Focus:          http://focus.florida-achieves.com

Sign in name=        Student's last name+ first initial
                           Example:  ( John Smith's Sign in name is SMITHJ)
06  + 4 letters of last name + two digits for the month of birth + 2 digits for the date of birth
Example: ( John Smith was born on February 16th, so his password is 06SMIT0216)
If you encounter any problems, please email me.