Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday's HW

Advanced-   Worksheet (see below if you lost it)

Regular-   Study for Mid Chapter Test
Take your multiplication quiz and write the quiz questions with CORRECT answers 3 x each.

cluster Data that appear to be grouped closely together.

gap An empty space or interval in a set of data.

mean The sum of the data divided by the number of pieces of data.

median The middle number in a set of ordered data. 

If there are an even number of data, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers.

measures of central tendency Values that describe the center of a set of data.

mode The number or numbers that occur most often in a set of data.

outlier A data value that is much greater or much less than the others in a data set.

range The difference between the greatest and least values of a set of data.