Monday, November 1, 2010

Week OF 11/1/2010

Essay Question Quiz on Wednesday-

1.  Explain how you convert a mixed number into an improper fraction. (10 points)

2.  Explain how you convert an improper fraction to a mixed number.(10 points)

3.  - Using a VENN DIAGRAM, compare these two skills:  dividing fractions and multiplying fractions ****You should have atleast 4 things written on it! (20 points)

4.  What do you do with an answer that has a bigger numerator than denominator? (5 points)

5.  Describe how to simplify fractions.  Give atleast 3 examples after your explanation. (10 points)

6.  List the steps for multiplying a mixed number by a mixed number? (20 points)

7.  Explain what a product is. (5 points)

8.  Explain how to get the reciprocal of a mixed number. (10 points)

9. Explain when you need common denominators while working with fractions. (10 points)